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Sorry for the off-topic post, but you're the same Gustav who made Fantastic Blood Boy, right? I downloaded that game many years ago and loved it.

lol happy you liked it! yeah that was me :)

Hi can u tell me what window size u use and sprite bit u use im new on Game maker and wanna make some fun game ^^ i like this style but im total newbite :) sry for bad eng


the window size for this game is 480x320, not sure what you mean by sprite bit but the program i'm using to sprite and animate is aseprite. it's easy and intuitive to use. good luck with your games!

(1 edit)

I mean sprite size 16x16? or 32? maybe 8x8 :) and thanks i use aseprite too really like.

yeah sprites i generally keep at 16x16 but i never keep within any strict boundaries. 8, 16, 32, 64, whatever you fancy will work :)


Please make a downlable version sir , overall its a 11 out of 10

(1 edit) (+3)

I agree.

(1 edit) (+2)

Thank you! Finished a downloadable for y'all


Awesome. :)


11/10 my favorite game so far


awesome, happy you like it!


This was really cool! I love the concept and the controls felt really nice. I'd love to buy this if it gets a full release. :D


thanks! working on a full release right now!


It was so much fun to play. It's really well designed, the platforming is tight and fun and the puzzle aspect is really interesting.

I really hope you consider developing the idea further.


glad you liked it! i'm planning on making a short game out of what's already in as a base and adding more content. it'll be up on itch when finished


Great game! I made it to the level in which those bounce enemies (seen in top screenshot). Adding support for WASD and controller would be great.


thanks! i'm adding WASD and controller support for the full game

(2 edits) (+2)

So much fun! It was very addicting once i got into it.


thanks for playing!


Great game! And so much charm! :)


Well done, this game is lots of fun!


Really cool game, but there's no progress save? I accidentally closed the page and had to restart from the beginning ;( ohnoes

ohnoes! if i polish it up after the jam ends i'll definitely add progress save. 


Nice work! Thumbs up!


Well made, Interesting concept, enjoyable to play and great graphics. So far this has been my favorite game of the jam.


thank you! happy you liked it

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